
*Our signature style is "Clean, Clear and Natural Candid shots". If you like our style, please email to us at for more details of our quote. Thanks :)*

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Alex & Joan Actual Day Wedding - 11.11.2012

Actual Day Wedding Photographer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dinner Wedding Reception Photographer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
From a certain angle, Joan resembles a famous model, Amber Chia, but a prettier version :)
We had very much fun photo shooting for them cos the 'hengdais' were very sporting to play all the games that the jimuis had prepared for them. Alex is actually a very good singer too and during the dinner reception, he sang a lovely & romantic acoustic song which brought tears to Joan's eyes.....

Have fun viewing their Actual Day and Dinner photos.....

(Pls click the photos to view in slideshow)

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